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Fresh New Designs!
I’ve got a lot of designs in the hopper and was very happy to receive a set of proofs of a few of them in yesterday’s mail.
Always scrumptious to see a new batch of designs, especially on my favorite fabric option of cotton linen. I could eat it, it’s so yummy.
Remember this post? Well, here’s the result of Pigs, They Fly.
I think I’ll play with more color combinations a bit, but I’m loving how it looks printed up.
More piggies having fun.
As an aside, I swear I ironed these. I think I might hate my iron. Can I blame the iron? Good. Thought so.
Just in time for the November elections, here’s Baby’s First Civic Duty Fabric.
Teach them while they’re young that it’s important to VOTE-VOTE-VOTE!
Let your voice be heard, little ones!…by way of ballot, not necessarily by way of high-octave repeat toddler hollering. I could take a wee bit less of that at times.
And in the category of more stylized and graphic, here’s my brand new Mineralogy Magic design, an ode to all the incredible geodes and crystals that the beautiful earth creates.
If you’re ever at the American Museum of Natural History, you must check out the wondrous specimens to be found in the Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Hall of Minerals. Simply stunning displays of some of Mother Nature’s best creations.
That’s it for now. Hope you like ‘em!