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Grass Picnic Blanket
While I’m still plugging along with other projects, I thought I’d show you something I made not too long ago, as it’s a seasonal goodie that we’ll be enjoying every picnic day we have left until the onset of cold weather.
What is it, you ask? Why, a grass picnic blanket of course!
I’ve had this idea for a long time and initially planned on piecing together my own photographs of green grass and getting them digitally printed onto some yardage.
But, well, I just never got around to that and when summer was upon us this year, I just needed to make something fitting for us to sit on while we were off enjoying the great outdoors.
In my fabric stash, I already had a big curtain panel I picked up from a local thrift store which would yield me a substantial piece of canvas fabric in just the right shade of it’s-going-to-get-dirty-but-it-will-be-less-noticable color. Plus, since I was upcycling it, that lowered the ‘precious’ factor, so I wouldn’t get bent out shape if it acquired a stain or two over the years to come.
Now, I just needed the perfect topside piece. A quick online search for grass fabric produced a few options and I settled on some new yardage I found on eBay.
I cut the giant grommets off the curtain, aligned everything, trimmed off excess and sewed like a wild woman, finishing it up with a few border rows of topstitching.
I love it.
It’s fun on a field but I have to tell you, it’s even more entertaining on the beach. A square oasis of greenery in a sea of well, sea. And sand.
We’ve used it a number of times already and the kids really enjoy hanging out on it, which makes me extra happy.
It sits crudely folded in the hallway closet, at the ready to toss into our bags at any given moment. It’s simple, straightforward, a bit quirky and completely utilitarian.
And it’s perfect.