Hello, Etsy Labs!


For the record, I have not fallen into a hole. I know you thought so, but I’m here! I’ve been consumed with working on a commission (which I’ll tell you about soon) and all that other stuff that summertime brings.

You know, insane record heat waves, multiple beach trips, racking up hours upon hours dedicated solely to applying sunscreen to two squirmy little people who don’t stay still enough for its application to turn out any more subtly than kabuki theatre makeup.

It all makes for a busy, hot and sweaty schedule.

But here’s something. I was able to take a nice little break just for myself last night. A real treat that I was very excited about attending: Etsy’s Hands-On: Market Bags event! Eco-friendly bags for everyone!

Location: DUMBO. ‘Down under the Manhattan Bridge overpass’, for those of you who don’t know: see above left for what some of that looks like. 😀

It was such a nice change to be out and about by my lonesome that I found myself walking at my pre-kidlets-in-tow city pedestrian pace; see above right photo for blurry sample of my fine walking skills. I can hoof it with the best of ’em.

After arriving at Etsy Labs, I made my way into the market bag workshop. 

I was greeted with nametags to fill in and and a great studio space to mill about.

Hello, Etsy swag and Spoonflower swag; two of my favorites!

We had to pick between making a fabric market bag or recycling plastic grocery store bags by way of crocheting them. Although I opted to make a market bag, I paid special attention to the crochet demo, as I think I just might try this some day. I especially like the minimal look of the black version with its little hits of metallic gold. I’ve got my mental notes on how to make the grocery bag ‘yarn’…now I just need to find my crochet needle and remind myself how to crochet as it’s been years. I wonder if I can knit with it too.

I picked some fun NYC-centric fabric out of the awesome stash provided by Timeless Treasures and settled in with my lovely Bernina. My market bag was complete pretty quickly, and I kinda wished I had had something more substantial to make so I could have sewed on that smooth-like-butta machine longer. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The room was filled with creative concentration and, hey look, Jessica made her market bag out of my Civil Rights toile fabric! Yay, Jessica!

And, with all fun workshops comes a photo booth break. Duh, obviously.

Ridiculousness. Documented. Oh, yes.

Those wire baskets are such a great idea, albeit a little, er, messy. And that Big Chill fridge? I’m fully prepared to steal that beauty. Don’t tell anyone.

Sewing done, pins put away and all the Berninas tucked safely into their beds.

And here’s my finished market bag! Although I fantasize that it will be used to pick fruit from the local farmer’s market, we all know what it will probably end up being used for. 

It was a fun little project and a wonderful evening filled with great conversation.

A big YAY to Etsy and Timeless Treasures for hosting. And yes please, I’ll come back any ol’ time!