SK Website Redesign is DONE!

Well, that pretty much took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get from the back burner to the front and to actually complete…

What am I talking about, you ask?

Without further ado, please say hello to the sorely-overdue redesign of my main website!



Out with the old (flash) and in with the new (smart device-friendly)!

If you’ve ever taken on the task of creating a website or redesigning one, it can be a hideous beast that just refuses to do anything nicey-nicey. It can go on and on and on and on, like the ramblings of a small deliriously tired child who just won’t quite go to sleep after an exhaustingly long day.

Full disclosure: my husband is the real star here as he’s the Patient Programming Wizard behind the site. I’m the Micromanaging & Overly-Dramatic Art Director who wants her inner vision to just upchuck itself out of her cranium and transform instantaneously into functioning HTML jibba jabba.

Anyway, it’s done. Phew! Just in time for the weekend.

Go check it out here. I hope you like it!