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Finished Project: Annual Report Design
Along with various art projects, sewing and textile-related endeavors and whatever else, I also work regularly on graphic design projects for a variety of clients.
I’ve done this for years now, but I tell ya, after all that work, the best thing is to see and hold the finished piece complete in all its printed glory.
When it’s a hefty 45-pager like this annual report, it’s even more exciting.
Lots of copy, lots of photos, lots of captions and content to keep straight…all finessed together into a pretty bound book.
LIsten, whenever I get to add sweet flourishes like a nice set of peekaboo die-cut windows, it’s even more fun.
Annual reports can often be reallllllly dry and boring, so this was a great opportunity to showcase a creative organization like the Moving Picture Institute in a more unusual way.
Film organization? Why, oversized sprockets, of course!
A playful nod to the physical film we don’t actually get to see all that much of anymore, but the iconography still stays and immediately conveys what this printed piece will be about.
I’m also a sucker for old-school references, so it was a perfect fit.
Sometimes you don’t know what will come of any given spread until you jump in and start playing around with all the pieces to the puzzle.
A quote here, a stat there, an image here, a caption there…adjust, adjust, adjust and a sweet cohesive layout appears.
I still get giddy when it happens so smoothly.
The trick is to carry that thematic tone from page to page, while also tailoring it to specific content, in this case, stats, stats and more stats.
One of the many photographic section openers, this one is my favorite.
Another print job complete and more happy clients.