Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Vol. 9 Blog Tour : Meet Samarra

Happy Monday, fellow Computer Screen-Staring People of the World!

For those of you who don’t know me, what on earth took you so long? Hmmmm?

Fine, fine, water under the bridge. Let’s move on, shall we?

I’m so glad you’re here! I’m an artist, illustrator and graphic designer; the list is probably technically longer, but I don’t want to completely boggle your mind. Not this early in the work week, anyway.

Checking out the assorted galleries on my website will probably give you a pretty good sense of what makes me tick, so pop some popcorn and review it at your leisure.

My passion for surface design reared its addictive and obsessive head about six years ago and morphed into my fabric designs being available both online and at brick + mortar shops through Timeless Treasures. (<—I hope you clicked on this link. Don’t make me get all Mom Face on you, if you thought you could skip it.)

If you can’t find them out in the wild out at your local quilt shop, well, gosh darn it, ask the shop owners to order them for you, because if there’s one thing I know, it’s that you probably don’t have enough fabric in your stash.

I’m all about aiding and abetting, people. I’ve got you covered.

Now, onto the topic at hand:

I’m very proud and honored to be a part of Quiltmaker Magazine’s 100 Blocks Volume 9! And psssst, I’m on the cover too. Hello, double-score!

First, let me say that although I’ve known how to sew since I was about 8 or 9 years old, I never delved into the world of quilting until my recent years as a textile designer.

I wasn’t previously aware of Quiltmaker Magazine and the huge following it has. Until now. Nor had I ever pieced together a single quilt block before in my life. Until now. (note: please reread these last four sentences in your best movie trailer voice, you know, for more impact).

So, in true SK form, when the opportunity presented itself for me to design a quilt block from scratch, I went wildly traipsing into the unknown. I made one block with a different design concept; it worked out fine enough, but I just couldn’t shake a better idea I had in the back of my mind.

What I realllllly wanted to make was this, T-H-I-S, good people:


Oh yes, a red stapler. That’s right. All our dreams have been answered now, have they not?

The pride I had for physically achieving what was in my noggin was quickly overshadowed by waves of separation anxiety, as Quiltmaker’s guidelines require that you send it off to them, never to get it back.

So I did what any normal person would do. I stared at it wistfully as I shut the mailing envelope in super-slow motion, peeking in at the flashes of red and turquoise, all the while holding up the post office line. I sent it off and quietly panicked like a mother who had just sent her child off to school for the first time.

I went home and channeled my loss by doing something I just about never do….I made another one. See, when I typically resolve something and make it to my satisfaction, I just move on to the next thing. But parting was such sweet sorrow and I needed a replacement. Fast.

So I made another for myself and turned it into a throw pillow for my living room sofa. So now I can stare at and pet that one all I want, whenever I want. Please, no judging. 

If you love red staplers too and you feel the need to watch Office Space any time it happens to be on t.v., no matter how many times you’ve seen it before, then I recommend you try this pattern out.

I think it would look really divine in a sea of black/grey staplers, as the one single punch of color on a quilt top. Just sayin’.

But wait. There’s more….

As you may know, as part of the Quiltmaker Blog Tour, I get to give away one fun-filled copy of this issue of 100 Blocks!

It looks like this, but you know, bigger, and with those things they call “pages” that you can peruse and enjoy whenever your heart desires:

And guess what? I’m also giving away a sweet fat quarter bundle of 25 Soho Solids from Timeless Treasures. Yup, you read that right, you lucky dog, you!

Behold the scrumptiousness:


And since things are always nice in threes, hold on to your hats, because I’ve got a third wonderful giveaway! Ready to have the chance to win a lush pack of throw-sized batting and a package of Wonder-Under fusible web from Pellon? I thought so.

Feast your eyes:


If you don’t know Pellon, go introduce yourself to their great line of products and check out this recent project I did for them while you’re there.

See now, wasn’t it worth reading through this entire post!? 🙂

Three separate winners will be hand-selected by my personal unbiased random generators (aka my 5-year old and 2-year old sons; the third winner will be the result of them fighting over who’ll get to draw another winner. It won’t be pretty but someone’s gotta do it.) 

For your chance to win, comment below on this post and tell me:

1. What’s your favorite color palette to sew/make/create with? 2. What novelty fabric themes are you dying to see produced or wish would come out on the market again? 

Oh, sure you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all that jazz. Just don’t follow me home because that’s creepy and weird.

Contest closes at midnight EST, on Thursday, May 1st. Winners will be announced and contacted on Friday, May 2nd. One entry per person.

Good luck and thanks for stopping by!


Editor’s Note (pu-leeze, there’s no editor, it’s ME, Samarra); 11:49am EST; Monday, April 28th:

I have heard from a a few of you who are having problems commenting on my blog post. Yup, it makes me nuts too; oddly the comments field is located at the *top* of this post by today’s date and title (yes, I’d be typically looking at the bottom too, which is why I understand a lot of folks inadvertently commented on my previous blog post; don’t worry, you’re all entered to win.) It makes this anal retentive control freak frustrated too. Sooooo, see if you can find the correct comment hyperlink up by the title of this specific post. If you still have no luck and feel like you want to toss your computer out the window, stop before that happens, comment anywhere and I’ll get it; worst case, send me an email, but kindly use that as a last resort.). I’m here for you. Let’s win these giveaways! 🙂 -SK