Softies for Mirabel 2012

Ack! I’ve been so busy with all things life-related lately that I’m officially behind on my blogging. Oh well, I’ll catch up soon and hopefully have something remotely interesting for you to see and read. That’s the hope anyway. 

In the meantime, I realized I’ve been completely remiss in reminding folks that Softies for Mirabel is in full effect and accepting handmade toy donations. It’s GO TIME!

The deadline is December 20th. If you’re outside of Australia, you’ll need to add a bit more time for mailing. Although I’m already feeling incredibly overextended, I’m gonna try my darnedest to make a goodie for a sweet little kid on the other side of the world and get it in the mail as soon as I can.

C’mon, won’t you join me?! It’s the ultimate expression of holiday spirit! Yay for Softies for Mirabel and for the Mirabel Foundation! xoxo
