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Tag: Samarra Khaja
I’ll be at Quilt Market 2016!
Months of working behind the scenes with soon come together at Quilt Market in Houston this weekend! Come by and say hi! I’ll have lots to post and talk about post-Market, so see you then too! Woohoo!
Summer 2016: SK Updates!
Hello-o-o-o Fine People of the World! I hope you’re all enjoying this last month of summer, unless you’re in Australia and the like, in which case I hope winter has been kind to you! I’ve got three, count ‘em, THREE rapid-fire SK News Flashes to catch you up to speed, so without further delay, let’s…
‘Off the Beaten Path’ Coloring Postcard Book
Many of you fine peeps already know about my Off the Bookshelf coloring book for adults. Well, guess what?! There’s more awesomeness ready for pre-order now over on the C&T Publishing website…this time for my new Off the Beaten Path coloring POSTCARD book, debuting this September!!! Woohoo! I really am excited about this collection of work.…
Check. It. Out. A little behind-the-scenes from my photo shoot for these great new temporary tattoos! I’m VERY excited for these to ship this summer!! (Plus check out how I can gaze dreamily out into space. Nailed it.)
This is the Good Part
Why yes, that is my comb bookmark in the brand spankin’ new issue No. 29 of Uppercase magazine. Out on stands today, it’s about paper and all things book-related, and – this is the good part – you can download a comb bookmark of your very own right here along with many other fabu designs. So, go…
Impromptu Trapezohedron Ornament
I’ve had an idea in my head for some time now to take a template for a 3D paper shape and see if I can transform it into fabric form to my liking. Today, I finally got a moment to tinker with this notion and because I’m happy with the results, I thought I’d share…
A Little About QuiltCon 2016
I flew to Pasadena this weekend to attend QuiltCon 2016 and thought, in my exhausted afterglow haze one day after arriving home, that I should sit down, write something about it and blast that out to the planet, because train wreck’s gonna wreck and who cares about coherency and grammar anyway. First, the Pasadena Convention…
Meet Me in Cali!
Yup, it’s true. You’ll be able to purchase both of my books: Sew Adorkable: 15 DIY Projects to Keep You Out of Trouble and Off the Bookshelf (my wacky fun coloring book) AND have me write something foolish in them just for you. *Also, if you have a keen eye, you’ll be able to spot my Candy Dots quilt (from my…
Yeti Has Something to Show You
Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Sewers! Drawers! Lend me your eyes, for I have created a foolishly fun DIY video you can now see here. It’s hosted by Yeti, who thanks you in advance for watching.:
Happy Presidents Day!
My 4-year old is obsessed with Haimuham Likken, as he’s affectionately known in our home, so it only made sense to pay proper homage to good ol’ Abe for his 207th birthday. I’ve also been pondering a series of portraits of various figures in history, so this seemed like as good a time as any to…