Downloadable March Posters!

If you follow my IG feed, you know I initially designed a poster (the one on the orange background) for the Amplifier Foundation’s call for artwork for the upcoming Women’s March On Washington on January 21, 2017. 


I decided to make a few more just for kicks, and after hearing so much great feedback and requests to walk with my signs, I decided to make all four available for download. 

You can find each of them here:

• Peace Not Terror/ Light Not Fear

Release Your Tax Returns Now

Yuge Mistake

Nasty Women Are Watching You Drumpf

They are each formatted to be 18″ x 24″ in size, so feel free to print them that large or size them down if needed. (Staples has an 18×24 poster printing option at their store, fyi.)

March far and wide with them, fine friends!! If you do walk with one of my signs, please take a photo of you with it at your local march and send it to me ( I’d love to see it!

Keep fighting the good fight! xo

******EDIT January 20, 2017:

Because of all your great support and my realizing that I wanted a few more options that punctuate and showcase female empowerment, I created these three NEW posters. Please note that the words are not my original idea (if you know who originated them, please let me know so I can credit them properly). The sentiments are all too good to pass up. 

So here ya go!
These are also sized to be 18″ x 24″. Print and enjoy! (and please don’t sell them; this is all about being free and sharing with your fellow human being!).

• Girls Just Wanna Have FUNdamental Rights

• I’m With Her