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One of Six…Woohoo!
Mornin’ sunshine!
Just woke up to the fun news that my Banana Strawberry Cashew Shake recipe is 1 of 6 recipes in the Featured Collection over on They Draw And Cook’s main jumbotron. The collection is called ‘Contest Winners! (1st place is Apple Smiles)“ and will be features from September 15 to September 18, after which point it can be viewed in their Feature Collection Archive page.
What does that all mean, you ask? Here’s what Nate told me in my email: "Being in a featured collection means that your artwork is viewed by many thousands of people (fans, other artists, art directors, bloggers and magazine editors) via the main TDAC site, Facebook, Twitter, and our email recipe delivery system.You can also see how many people have shared your artwork with their friends from the ‘Share’ icons in your recipe page.”
Plus, each of the top 6 will receive a free Supporting Membership and 2 recipe prints of their choice. Better get my chef’s hat ready and fire up the stove!
Woohoo! One of six out of 140 entries from around the globe…not too shabby! The other entries are really fun; the ‘Apples Smiles’ is an especially hilarious recipe concept that I’m sure is a monstrous crowd pleaser; go check them all out and try some at home!
Thanks to everyone who left such great comments over on my recipe page. I appreciate all of your support! Mmmmmm, now time for a morning shake! Beware little cashews!