Around the World Blog Hop!: SK Edition

Two SK blog posts within one 24-hour period? Without paying or naming your first born after me? I know. And you’re welcome.

This time, it’s my rendition of the Around the World Blog Hop!

Yep, yep, I too was clueless about this phenomenon until my lovely creative cohort Cynthia Frenette tagged me. And now here I am, attempting to crank out a marginally interesting overview of all things SK related.

Hold on to your hats and expect nothing. Couple reading this with some glutenous Halloween candy-eating and it’s sure to be a good time.

First off, here are the rules of the Blog Hop:
1) Acknowledge the person who nominated you.
2) Answer four questions.
3) Link to one to three bloggers to carry on the Around The World Blog Hop. 

Let’s do this…

What are you currently working on?

There’s always a range of crazy going on in my world.

First, a nutshell overview for you: I went to fine art school (don’t forget that minor in Medieval Studies, huzzah!); worked in a gob of sparkly big name NYC art departments; had two kids and chose to switch from being a full-time creative director to going freelance, focusing on raising our two young boys with my mad-skillz’d freelance video editor/motion graphics/animator husband.

New merit badges earned since winning the title of Mom include being a licensed textile designer and finishing my first craft book, set to debut next year.

Oh, and I’m also co-Treasurer and Fundraising Chair at my kid’s school and am currently drumming up prize donations from local businesses to give out at our upcoming fundraiser Bingo Night. You expected that tangent, didn’t you?

So one minute I’m doing something like this…


and this…


… and the next, I’m creating fabric designs like my Modern Calico collection which debuted at Quilt Market a couple of weeks ago…


…and then I’m working on upcoming guest blog posts and projects, like this recent one for Spoonflower. And yup, those are my kids.)


I also have a wad of untended-to emails and book edits I need to handle.

But hey, I did two loads of laundry today, so looks like I win Saturday.

How does your work differ from others?

Beautiful, pretty and pleasing to the eye are always at the core of my work, but my real hallmark is finding the clever surprise or twist, then pushing and melding it with humor and whimsy whenever the project allows.

These are probably really good examples of that….

My Hidden Ladybugs fabric…


…and my When Pigs Fly fabric…


People, I’m SO not scared dancing perilously close to painful puns. Three words: New Pork Times.

Why do you create what you do?

I have an insatiable urge to experiment and basically I can’t not create. Plain and simple. It’s hardwired, genetic and ineradicable.

Been doing it since I was knee-high to a grasshopper (that’s me when I was 10 and featured in some newspaper while we lived in Dubai)…


.. and will be pretty much doing it until someone tries to stop me, which is going to be near impossible, so don’t bother.

How does your creative process work?

I do a lot of thinking. Even when I don’t want to be really working on anything, I’m inevitably thinking about it. Some ideas need sketching out and others have been examined so much in my head that I know they will either work or need to be abandoned for a better concept. Then I get to work, often times leaving an impressive mess around me. I work quickly, which is good because it seems most time is spent cleaning up after my creative firestorms. I actually have a studio space but have spend much of my life making do at dining tables and the living room floor, so it’s once to have a space I can call my own and little hands won’t interrupt anything.

There you have it, a quick glimpse into my life at the moment. Other quick flashes can often be seen here.

Still with me or did you pass out from your sugar coma? Glad to hear you scrolled down this far.

Before I go back to weekend shenanigans, I’d like to pass this Around the World Blog Hop hot potato to a couple of wonderfully prolific and creative blogger friends: creator of all things masterfully nerdy and crafty, Jessee Maloney (woohoo!) and documentarian of magical life moments, photographer Ann Price (woohoo!) Take it away, lovelies!