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Color Everywhere!
Phew! It’s been a busy and highly productive week. Among other things, we enjoyed a nice break from routine with a beautifully sunny day in Soho, where we happened upon some thrilling street art. This, people of the world, is what makes New York so awesome. I’ve never loved zip ties so much…
We had a few stops to make and I saved my favorite for last. Surprisingly, I’ve never actually been into Purl Soho, so I took the kids into what was more fittingly Mama’s kid-in-a-candy-shop store. I admit it. It was completely self-serving and I suspected the potential was quite high that I’d end up spending waaay more money than I was prepared for.
I’m not sure if it was because there were quite a few people in there at the time, or that I was carrying Mister Baby Pants on me along with a giant tote bag through narrow walkways, but I found myself not really wanting to shop once I got inside. The needlepoint display area captivated the Bub’s interest for a bit while I quickly skimmed the room for anything that I couldn’t possibly live without.
In the end, we left without buying anything, which I actually consider a success! The universe chose to save me from myself. T.h.a.n.k.y.o.u.
The colors everywhere were so invigorating, especially in this winter landscape of dull tones, making for a lot of fun visual treats to inspire new work. I love being creatively provoked like that. How about you? Where do you like to go to get creatively inspired?
Have a great weekend! Go make something!