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Tag: public art
“Heartbeat Brooklyn”: 11 Years Old!
Happy 2015! This year marks 11 years since my two murals went up on 12th Street and 2nd Avenue in Brooklyn. Up until now, I hadn’t taken my kids to go see them because it wouldn’t really have meant all that much to them, but now that they’re nearly 4 and 6.5 years old, I…
Contests & Me: A Brief History
The other night I spied this AWESOME drawing contest Google is hosting for youngsters, and I thought, “Oh boy, I would have been A-L-L O-V-E-R that back in the day.” If only I could Peter Pan myself and I’d be able to meet the age requirement. Because if you didn’t know by now, I’m one step short…
Figment 2012
I’m totally wiped out (yeah, I know it’s Tuesday morning, but still) from a grand day out on Sunday to see Figment, an open-air art event that takes over otherwise-sleepy Governors Island for two days every year. It was logistically a bit hairy at times, with the whole family in tow and two ferry rides…