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Tag: samarrakhajanovelties
When News Travels…
Aka, when you know full well that once you’ve made one kid’s wishes come true, you’re going to have to immediately do it for any others within earshot, you get in there like a champ and transform this request: into…THIS!!!! BOOOOOYAH!!!!!! Yep, that’s right. A (fully removable) wee baby stuffie in the pouch of a…
Transforming a Kidlet Drawing into a Yeti Stuffie
Oh, what do I do on a lazy Sunday to wind down from post-party/holiday festivities? Give myself the challenge of transforming my art director kidlet’s Yeti drawing into the stuffie he imagined it to look like. Although I see a few flaws, my client is 100% satisfied, which is always good news. The silver metallic…
Awkward Animal Portraits Series: September Releases
WOOHOO! It’s September 1st which means two more critters were officially released into the wild today to celebrate our ongoing Awkward Animal Portraits quilt pattern series. Who are September’s creatures, you ask? Behold: ALLIGATOR: Officially the 3rd in the world-renowned Awkward Animal Portraits (AAP) series, and for the love of all things marinated in freshwater…
How to Help Houston: The Situation is Pants
I’ve been thinking a lot about best ways to help Houston after Hurricane Harvey and I’ve settled on two very specific and direct places that will make a big impact for a LOT of people… They are: Texas Diaper Bank provides emergency diaper kits for babies, senior citizens and people with disabilities. Relief agencies do not…
Catch of the Day: Mermaid Tail Beach Blankets!
Splish! Splash! I’ve got a fresh new DIY project out today over on the Spoonflower blog: my fresh-from-the-seas Mermaid Tail Beach Blankets! There are not one but two fun design options to pick from and, get this, they both come in adult and kid sizes! Woohoo! Full rainbow gradient fun printed on a perfectly snuggly minky substrate,…
New Posters for the People’s Climate Movement!
I was asked this morning if I’d have posters available for the upcoming People’s Climate March in Washington this Saturday, April 29th and although I wasn’t planning on it, I decided to jump in and make some for you!!! Possibly on the last-minute side of things, but better late than never….same goes for climate control…
March for Science Posters Are Here!
Remember all these posters I designed for use at the Women’s March back in January? Well, I figured I’d do it again and offer up this brand new batch of SK posters, especially made with great love, for the March for Science, which will be held around the globe this Earth Day, April 22, 2017. Spread the…
GEOGRAM Blog Hop/IG Tour Starts Tomorrow!
To all my fine crafty people out there on Planet Earth, I’m so excited to share with you the Official Blog Hop/Instagram Tour for my GEOGRAM collection, starting tomorrow-orrow-orrow (echo effect)! This brand new, full-spectrum fabric line, available through Lecien Fabrics, is officially out in stores now (if yours doesn’t have it, request it!) and…
Words, Words and More Words!
I’ve done it again, creating a couple more word panels for all the feelings swirling around at the moment. I decided to create them as 18″ x 27″ panels that you can order and get printed directly through my Spoonflower shop! Yeehaw! Order the Linen Cotton Canvas Ultra substrate to ensure you get the entire…
Downloadable March Posters!
If you follow my IG feed, you know I initially designed a poster (the one on the orange background) for the Amplifier Foundation’s call for artwork for the upcoming Women’s March On Washington on January 21, 2017. I decided to make a few more just for kicks, and after hearing so much great feedback and requests…