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‘Good Drawing Hand’ Days
Well, alrighty then.
I think this time it’s fairly safe to say that I really did fall into a hole. A drawing haze of a hole. I’ve been working on a couple commissions along with new textile designs and have simply fallen into a sketching and drawing and using-up-of-ink-pens haze.
I’ve got a stack of almost, partially and not remotely complete drawings that I’ve been shuffling back and forth between.
The not so good part of this is that I end up feeling like I’ve not actually finished anything, but the good part is that I’ve really been ‘on’ lately with my drawing hand, so things are actually coming out the way I want them to look without too much effort.
I wonder if there’s a more specific term for it, but I like to think I have ’good drawing hand’ days and ’bad drawing hand’ days. Sometimes, no matter what the style or subject matter, everything I draw comes up short. Giant messes that I crumple up or scribble over frustratedly before crumpling up; just depends on how hideous I find the creations. Other times, I feel like I could be thrown any assignment under the sun and I’d execute a favorable result.
It’s especially nice to be in ‘good drawing hand’ mode, because as free time has been at an all-time minimum lately, I want the time I do have to count.
Um, no pressure, though. Ha.
Last night I finished up a design I had been working on, on and off, for a couple of days. Sometimes it’s just so nice to be off the computer and working with lovely paper and pens. I probably could have spent more time on it, but for now, it’s wrapped up.
Called, “Pigs, They Fly”, it can be found in all its completed glory here for this week’s aviation-themed Spoonflower design challenge. I have a couple of companion prints in mind for it, but those will have to wait for now.
In the meantime, along with birthday party stuff to organize and weekend field trips and the like to orchestrate, I will also be plotting a couple of fun tutorial ideas I think you’ll enjoy, among other things.
Oh, yes, and I got the hair-brained idea that I wanted to hop on the upcoming global Etsy bandwagon and host a local Etsy Craft Party 2012. Cross your fingers that it goes off smoothly.
Are you hosting one in your neighborhood? Or are you attending one? You really should check it out. It’s a fun, crafty, worldwide annual event, and hello, that’s reason enough!