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Finished Recipe Illustration
Happy lazy Sunday afternoon! A perfect time to daydream about yummy food, no? I thought I’d share with you my finished recipe illustration that I mentioned last week. Here it is in its final full color form…voila!
It’s also in all its glory over at They Draw and Cook. Head on over there and take a moment to check out all the other great recipes.
I promise you that you can easily waste away your entire Sunday afternoon looking at all the wonderful illustrations and perusing all the fab recipes. Oh, and I also promise that you’ll leave hungry….with possibly a few new ideas for what to cook for dinner! 😀
If you happen to not show cauliflower a lot of love in your cooking repertoire, well then, you’ve never tried roasting it. I haven’t tried the exact version above yet; we use freshly grated parmesan cheese, a bit of salt, pepper and red chili powder for a bit of pizazz. I love preparing it this way and typically end up standing at the stove over the freshly roasted tray, snacking from it long before any bit of it makes it onto dinner plates. A bad habit I don’t plan to curb any time soon. Yum central!
Feel free to leave a comment on my recipe page there. They’re always fun to read and very appreciated.
Happy remainder of your weekend!