Tag: valentine’s day

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!

    True to form, I left my Valentine’s Day gift brainstorming to the absolute last minute. Given the self-induced panic that having zero time created, my newly acquired grey hairs and I are quite thrilled with the outcome: Ta-dah! A zippy take-along reusable tic-tac-toe game, complete with beanbag hearts and neon-stitched arrows to divide up the (reversible) board.…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!

    What did I do this morning, after waking up to my wonderful husband’s sweet gifts for the children and me?  Well, after drinking my morning coffee, I realized that I needed to get on with some sort of gifts for everyone because I completely waited until the last minute. Let me say that I really…

  • Crafting with Kids (and Actually Enjoying It!)

    When you look around the blogosphere for kid-friendly Valentine’s Day craft ideas (or any other theme, really), it’s hard not to lose your mind over things that, although pitched as being *great projects for little kids!!*, are in fact a total recipe for disaster.  A lot of the latest uber-crafting DIY standards seem to have…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Handily taking up two cold weather afternoons inside, we managed to complete The Bub’s Valentine’s Day card list just in time with a special heart for everyone. No Charlie Brown empty mailboxes here, no sir-ee! And with some extra string and mini squares of origami paper, I threw together a quick heart garland for the kitchen.…