Tag: the bub

  • LA Fabric Field Trip

    I recently traveled to Los Angeles and on my must-do list was to make a visit to Michael Levine. If you don’t know of it, it’s a huge fabric store in LA’s fashion district, and as I was to soon find out, it has E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!! As I sat in the car gulping down my morning coffee,…

  • Weekend Studio Visit

    It’s always fun to see how other artists and designers keep their studios, so I jumped at the opportunity to meet up with Lotta Jansdotter in her natural habitat in Gowanus, Brooklyn a few weekends back.  Gowanus is also the home to my mural. You knew I had a mural, right? You can see me…

  • Hurricane Sandy & Halloween

    I am incredibly fortunate to say that my family and I were unscathed by the wrath of Hurricane Sandy. Dear friends of ours in Breezy Point were not so lucky as their family home burnt to the ground. My heart goes out to them along with everyone else who has suffered from this storm. On…

  • A Bowling Bag of Another Kind

    Remember this drawstring bag that I made for The Bub a little while back? Well, it’s been a major hit. I was packing for a trip recently and it just seemed right to make him another one to house an additional collection of special cars he wanted to bring with him. These bags are great…

  • 15-Minute Mini Quilt

    One day not too long ago, I got a random request from The Bub that the household’s resident dolls, TeeCee and NeeCee, needed a blanket to stay warm. Realizing this would be a nice excuse for Mama to sew something just for fun, I jumped at the chance to do it right then and there.…

  • Weekend Roundup

    Whoa, now. Hang on. Don’t get too excited. I’m bound to never post so many fascinating things from any particular weekend down the road, so let’s just call this a one-off type post. And hey, if it happens again, woohoo. In the meantime, here’s quick glimpse of a couple of fun things from this weekend.…

  • Etsy Craft Party 2012: Redux

    Mission: Etsy Craft Party 2012*Location: Sunnyside, Queens, New York CityVerdict: Success! (and I’m still exhausted) Seriously, I’m still recuperating from it all. Because of that and that I’m not feeling especially verbose at the moment, I’d like to share with you a photo-heavy/text-light redux of our grand affair.  *Oh, and for anyone who’s still not quite…

  • Etsy Craft Party 2012 Eve

    I decided not too long ago that I wanted to get in on the fun and host my own local Etsy Craft Party in conjunction with Etsy’s global event that’s put on every year. This year’s theme is ‘Wish You Were Here’ and the worldwide crafting party goes into full swing tomorrow, August 24.   In…

  • A Way-Too-Long Post About a Birthday Cake

    The Bub turned a whopping F-O-U-R the other day and as with last year, I asked him what kind of cake he’d like to have for his party, as I’ve somehow decided this needs to be added to my Let’s Tackle This Because There’s Not Enough On My Plate list.  So I posed the question:…

  • Fireworks Hooded Beach Towel

    With the 4th of July on the horizon and our heading to the beach like many folks do this time of year here, I had the epiphany that I wanted to make The Bub his very own hooded beach towel to bring along. You may recall that I had used the black version of my…